Since the company’s founding in 1882, UGI has been committed to supporting the communities in our service territory. Our Company and employee volunteers focus on supporting areas of improving literacy; inspiring the next generation of Science, Technology, Engineering,...
UGI volunteers sort 13,600 pounds of nonperishable food items for Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. As more families worry how they will get their next meal and if they will have a place to call home, UGI Utilities is once again working...
Nicholas Cawley, Mechanic III for UGI Utilities, helps frame a new home as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania. Access to affordable housing, food, and safe and healthy environments is the foundation of a healthy community. UGI...
In Reading, Pennsylvania, a Reading Housing Authority (RHA) project to replace an aging central boiler plant with new energy efficient natural gas boilers at RHA’s Glenside Homes community has been supported in part by rebates through UGI Utilities’ Save Smart...
UGI’s Auburn “gate station,” located in Susquehanna County, plays a key role in delivering natural gas to Northeast Pennsylvania residents and businesses. A gate station is one aspect of the overall natural gas delivery system. It’s the interconnection point between...