UGI and Archea Energy Celebrate RNG Plant Start Up

UGI and Archea Energy Celebrate RNG Plant Start Up

Archaea Energy, a subsidiary of bp (NYSE: BP), and UGI Energy Services, LLC (“UGIES”), a subsidiary of UGI Corporation (NYSE: UGI) recently celebrated the start-up of their joint venture’s renewable natural gas (RNG) plant in Hegins, Pennsylvania. The companies...
A message from Mario Longhi, Interim President & CEO

A message from Mario Longhi, Interim President & CEO

I would like to introduce our sixth annual ESG report titled “The Journey – Managing Climate Risks and Opportunities.” UGI’s ESG journey has strengthened our commitment to building a sustainable company. We have a history of aligning our ESG commitments with our...
Renewable Natural Gas Breaking Motor Fuel Usage Records

Renewable Natural Gas Breaking Motor Fuel Usage Records

UGI Energy Services (“UGIES”) is a leading Renewable Natural Gas (“RNG”) marketer with over 10 years’ experience delivering RNG to customers. That experience includes producing, procuring, and supplying RNG as a transportation fuel for fleets. RNG is a...
UGI Helps Fuel Lion Brewery’s Growth

UGI Helps Fuel Lion Brewery’s Growth

A Pennsylvania brewery with a long history of making beer is now pumping out beverages of a different kind: carbonated drinks by the case. At least 60,000 cases of non-alcoholic drinks a day, including energy drinks, are being made and packaged by The Lion Brewery in...